These last 2 weeks of blogging have been really interesting as I have been finding out more and more about some of the biggest brands. This is my official last blog. Today I have made plans to meet my friend John I will be meeting him in about 30 minutes. So I thought I would let you know what is happening today. I am going to the cinema with my friends John , Daisy and Sophie. I woke up this morning and I git up went over to my computer. I went onto Blogger , Facebook , Youtube and Skype. After spending a while on the computer I went downstairs to get something to eat. I made myself a bowl of fruit and fibre. I then watched the football highlights from the Euro's. I then got ready to go out. I am wearing Jean shorts , adidas canvas shoes , a white top , blue jumper and a hat.I will be at cinema for most of the night but will probably get home fairly late. I Have put a lot of time and effort into these blogs so I hope you enjoyed reading them. I am proud of how many page views this blog has had. So thank you.
Task 9 Final Blog!
How would you describe Converse as a brand?
What 3 words would you use to describe Converse?
The first word that comes to mind is Unique. This is because brands like Nike, Adidas and others all make shoes that look fairly similar. Nike canvas shoes and Adidas canvas shoes look the same except for the logo. Converse have always stood out from any other brand of trainer. The way that Converse are made is so much different and unique there is no brand or style of trainer that looks anything like Converse.
I would also use diversity because they are doing so many different thing to make the brand better. The Rubber Tracks , BLOCK PARTY all of these things show they have loads of different kinds of people that they want to shop and buy from Converse they want everyone to enjoy converse either for the shoes or the events.
The third word I would use has to be FUN. Converse are definitely a fun brand. They have always been associated with the younger generations. They are doing all these fun events that are getting them bigger. They are now in my head being associated with music ,festivals ,dancing. Converse give off the vibe of a fun lifestyle. Everything about Converse is fun.
Has your opinion of Converse changed since doing the blogs?
My opinion of Converse has changed immensely because I always thought of Converse as a brand that was all about rock bands and skating. I never knew that they did all these events with rappers and DJ's and all this. I never really saw the fun side of Converse I always saw the serious sport side of them. Basketball and skating is what I used to associate them with but now I associate them with Dancing , Festivles , Raves absolutely loads. I didn't know a lot about Converse but now that I have done these blogs and tasks I know so much more about this amazing brand. The main reason why my opinion changed was the BLOCK PARTY. This is because it looked so cool and fun. It was completely the opposite of what I was expecting. I was expecting lots of bands on a field somewhere not this cool , mysterious underground rave event. I was amazed by this event it looked so good and I will definitely be going when I can. The Rubber Tracks were also I nice surprise as I didn't expect to see them either. Doing these blogs is another thing because if I didn't do the blogs then I would never know what I do now.
Thank You For Reading My Blogs!
I hope you have enjoyed these blogs. I am going to miss making these blogs as they are fun and really get me thinking. I most likely will make a blog for something in the near future. I have learnt so much about Converse. Hopefully this will help converse with there next BIG IDEA!
Weekend Task Part 2
I was asked to look at the Converse and Vans Twitter pages.
What do you think?
I went on the Vans shoes page first and noticed that they wern't updating much at all. It also looked very plain,dull and not interesting. Considering they are a known brand I expected them to have a lot more followers than 21,093. It reminded me of how once again Vans are not taking advantage of the social networking. They could promote themselves so much. If they updated all the time, posted some cool things and just anything possible to get them bigger. This page really is awful and un-organised. Vans never seem to be on top of these kinds of things. It hasn't been updated in 2 years that is just shocking.
I Then went on the Vans Europe Twitter page. I could see an improvement straight away. It had more style, it wasn't as dull,it was updated far more. They had links,videos and more. Everything was so much more organised. I could see that it was being looked after more. I was definetly more impressed with this one than the other one, even though this one didn't have as many followers it will take-over soon.
I then went onto the Converse Twitter page. The first thing I noticed was the amount of followers they had. 67,961 is a huge amount compared to the other two. I then noticed that it is the most up to date one out of them all. They had loads of Tweets and followers. Converse are definitely making the most of the internet promotion. Converse have always been more on the ball when it comes to these things. They have awesome pictures on there page, they were updating with the latest things people would be interested in and more. So Converse have by far the best Twitter.
I would follow the converse page. I wouldn't follow the Vans pages simply because I am not interested in skateboarding and that is all Vans seems to be doing. Also the vans pages to not have anything that special. Vans shoes is never updated. Vans Europe just doesn't interest me.
I don't follow any brands on Twitter because I don't have a Twitter I might make one tonight though because it looks fairly interesting.
Monday 18th My Day
Sunday 17th My Day
I woke up at about 9. I then stayed in bed listening to music for about an hour. I listened to Eminem, Drake,Trey Songz,Rhianna and many more. I then went downstairs and made myself a bacon and egg sandwich. I sat down and went on my laptop. I was on Youtube, Facebook and Skype. I Messaged my mate John asking him if he was doing anything, he messaged back saying "nothing yet wanna do summin?" so I got ready and sarted making my way to his. He lives about a 10 minute walk away, so I grabbed my ipod and listened to some music on the way. When I arrived at his house I knocked for him and we went to Motspur park practically next door to where he lives. We stayed there for a while then got are friends Daisy and Sophie out. We stayed in Motspur for a while talking, listening to music and just having fun. We did this for about 3 hours then decided to go Wimbledon to meet more people. We got to Wimbledon and met everyone outside Centre Court. We then all went to a local park. We mate a friendly group of people are age that had also finished school. We talked and made knew friends. I left at 10:30. I was wearing... Skinny jeans,converse,white top and a leather jacket.
Weekend Task
What I think of the Converse Facebook page.
As soon as i went on to the Converse Facebook page I was shocked by how many people liked it. I never knew Converse were that big. I Started reading some of the posts being made. One post was about a Converse music festival in Torronto. It made me realise how big Converse really are. They are doing festivals and getting known all over the world. When I used to tour and sing on stage I used to wear Converse. Converse are such a well known brand. I was also surprised at how many of my friends like Converse. I think the page is really good. There are loads of awesome pictures of Converse trainers. There are lots of Videos and events on this page. It is clear to me that this page is updated all the time with the latest News and updates. There are so many photo's on this page and they are all really good. 31 Million people from all over the world like Converse. This is an extremely large amount of people. I Thought there would be maybe 1 million. Converse are clearly doing the right thing because if 126 of my friends on Facebook like it then they are clearly hitting there target audience. People would unlike the page if it wasn't for the fact it is always being updated with the latest about Converse.
I did like this page shortly after having a look at it. So yes i would like it. The reason I liked it , is because there is so much going on. Videos,Pictures,Events,Updates and more. I find this page rather interesting.I like Converse shoes but i have never searched or heard of this page. I also liked the page because over the last 2 weeks of blogging I have become more interested in Converse.
Is anything on here appealing?
Almost everything on this page is appealing. Such as the videos.They have such a wide variety of cool videos and they have the Rubber Tracks on this page. So the videos are appealing. Also the photo's. They have loads of awesome photo's that catch the eye.The events also look really fun and good. I would love to go to one of Converses events as they look so well planned and something i would enjoy. They do events in loads of different places. So it's not just where i live.
Is this the kind of thing you expected to see Converse do?
This is the kind of thing I would expect Converse to do because Converse have always given me the impression that they care a lot about there customers. Also Facebook is the biggest social networking site. Millions of kids use it so it is a great place to have a page as loads of kids will see it and read about Converse so it's definitely something i would expect Converse to do. Converse are always updating because they know that a lot of people are reading what they are saying.
What I think of the Vans Facebook page.

Would you like this page?
I wouldn't like this page because i'm not to fussed about Vans. Also there page does give me any reason to like it. They are not doing anything that interests me as I don't care too much for skating and that is all they seem to be doing. They are not doing enough for there customers. Vans need to up there game more. Converse are making the most of Facebook where as I feel Vans don't realise how popular Facebook is and how much advertisement they could get out of it. Almost every teenager has Facebook.
Is anything on here appealing?
There is not too much that is appealing to me because im not in to skating. It would be appealing to people who do skating because that is all it was about. It's not appealing to anyone else though. Unless they really like Vans shoes. They don't seem to be doing much for thier customers so I dont find it appealing.
Is this the kind of thing you expected to see Vans do?
This is the type of thing I would expect Vans to do because they also know that a lot of kids use Facebook. It is so widely viewed from all different countries. It is great for promoting there company. It is all about skating as well and that is what Vans are going for.
Do you like any other brands on Facebook?
I do like other brands. I like the Topman page because I shop at TOPMAN a lot. Topman do not update there page a much as Converse or Vans. They also don't do as much as Vans and this is probably why they don't have as many likes as Converse or Vans. It is also not as established as Converse Or Vans.
Task 7
What do you think of these videos?
I found these videos really interesting as they are all about skateboarding and i find skateboarding really cool.
It was also good to see the skaters advertising converse trainers by wearing them and also the skaters were signing autographs at the knew vans store.
I was shocked at how many videos they had. All the videos were really well edited and in HD!
I liked the music that they used in the videos as well.
They had so many different types of places that they were filming and people were skating in. They were skateboarding in pools, shopping centres,vans skate parks and more.
I liked the competitions they were doing and how they had short minute adverts for them on there Youtube.
One of my favourite videos was the Pool Party and Visualizing the Line. This is because it shows how much work and thinking goes into skateboarding. It also shows how seriously skateboarding is taken. You get to see some cool tricks and grinds as well.
I think these videos are made really well you can tell a lot of hard work goes into it. They try and make every video as good as they possibly can. I couldn't believe they had 650 Videos.
I feel this videos in general were all the same. I felt that Vans were trying to stress the point that they are the best shoe company for skating and that they are so highly linked with skateboarding. I feel so could of done some other videos that mixed it up a bit. Although I didn't watch all 650 videos i did get the idea after watching about 15 videos that it was all about skating. Which is good but not all of there customers are in to skateboarding. I have loads of friends that wear Vans but couldn't care less about skateboarding itself so i feel they need to try another angle for there other customers. People also wan't to see the vans shoes themselves. You don't get to see the shoes that often in the videos. If you were watching the videos so that you could copy what your favourite skater was wearing, you wouldn't be able to because they don't show you the shoes for more than about 1.5 seconds. They should do videos where they talk to you about the shoes.
My Favourite Video
What Do They Tell You About Vans?
They tell me that Vans work very hard to put together these events. They show me that they spend a lot of money. They show me that Vans are definitely trying to be the number one skating brand out there as every video I watched had skating in it. I feel that Vans have done really well to get there brand so widely known. They had videos in so many different countries including China and Australia. Vans used to be a small brand that only a few of my mates shopped at, but now everyone knows about Vans and there trainers so i feel Vans have done very well. I can see that Vans are trying to promote themselves as mush as they can. On one of the videos i watched there was Vans logo and stickers all around the skate park. It was impossible not to notice. I can tell that Vans only have one target audience, and that is obviously skateboarders. They need to try and attract a wider audience or people are going to loose interests. They only seem to be doing skateboarding events i feel they should push for more.
Are they what you expected vans to do?
These videos are completely what I would expect Vans to do. Anything to do with Vans you ammidietly think of skateboarding. I remember when i used to play skateboarding games Vans was mentioned a lot so yes these videos ae what i would expect. The music was also what i would expect as it was rough, edgy band music which is always common with skating. I expected them to maybe have a wider range of videos as they were all very similar.
How does this compare to the converse videos?
These videos don't compare to the Converse videos as I feel Converse had much more diverse videos. They were targeting a much bigger audience. The converse channel seems to be doing better than the Vans channel as Converse get more Views. I feel that converse are giving more information about the company and how the company is improving, what they are planning on doing etc.. I felt with the Vans website unless you liked skateboarding, there wasn't a lot there for you. Converse had music and almost everyone in the world likes music. So this would get them more views. Converse have the Rubber Tracks, the skateboarding, the music events and Vans only have the skateboarding. Also the BLOCK PARTY is an amazing idea that converse are doing where as Vans are just doing the same stuff.
Vans Website
What do you think of the latest video on the website?
I found the video extremely boring and didn't see what it had to do with Vans. I am not a fan of art. I didn't see the point in it. I felt it was completely different to the other videos. I couldn't work out what they were trying to achieve with these video or who they were targeting. I found the music boring as well it wasn't the type of music Vans usually use in their videos. I felt this was a bad video to make considering the type of audience Vans are trying to attract. I also felt it was very random and it almost didn't belong on the Vans website. It gave no information about the company or their shoes. I just didn't get it.
What does it tell you about Vans?
It tells me that Vans are trying something knew. Even though im not to sure what that is. I feel that they are trying to link Vans and skateboarding to Art and freedom. Showing that there are no limits on what you can do.
Is it what you expected Vans to do?
No this is not what I expected Vans to do as they have always linked themselves with skateboarding. I feel they are trying something knew and it could be a great success but could also fail. I expected something that was all about skateboarding not Art.