What I think of the Converse Facebook page.
As soon as i went on to the Converse Facebook page I was shocked by how many people liked it. I never knew Converse were that big. I Started reading some of the posts being made. One post was about a Converse music festival in Torronto. It made me realise how big Converse really are. They are doing festivals and getting known all over the world. When I used to tour and sing on stage I used to wear Converse. Converse are such a well known brand. I was also surprised at how many of my friends like Converse. I think the page is really good. There are loads of awesome pictures of Converse trainers. There are lots of Videos and events on this page. It is clear to me that this page is updated all the time with the latest News and updates. There are so many photo's on this page and they are all really good. 31 Million people from all over the world like Converse. This is an extremely large amount of people. I Thought there would be maybe 1 million. Converse are clearly doing the right thing because if 126 of my friends on Facebook like it then they are clearly hitting there target audience. People would unlike the page if it wasn't for the fact it is always being updated with the latest about Converse.
I did like this page shortly after having a look at it. So yes i would like it. The reason I liked it , is because there is so much going on. Videos,Pictures,Events,Updates and more. I find this page rather interesting.I like Converse shoes but i have never searched or heard of this page. I also liked the page because over the last 2 weeks of blogging I have become more interested in Converse.
Is anything on here appealing?
Almost everything on this page is appealing. Such as the videos.They have such a wide variety of cool videos and they have the Rubber Tracks on this page. So the videos are appealing. Also the photo's. They have loads of awesome photo's that catch the eye.The events also look really fun and good. I would love to go to one of Converses events as they look so well planned and something i would enjoy. They do events in loads of different places. So it's not just where i live.
Is this the kind of thing you expected to see Converse do?
This is the kind of thing I would expect Converse to do because Converse have always given me the impression that they care a lot about there customers. Also Facebook is the biggest social networking site. Millions of kids use it so it is a great place to have a page as loads of kids will see it and read about Converse so it's definitely something i would expect Converse to do. Converse are always updating because they know that a lot of people are reading what they are saying.
What I think of the Vans Facebook page.

Would you like this page?
I wouldn't like this page because i'm not to fussed about Vans. Also there page does give me any reason to like it. They are not doing anything that interests me as I don't care too much for skating and that is all they seem to be doing. They are not doing enough for there customers. Vans need to up there game more. Converse are making the most of Facebook where as I feel Vans don't realise how popular Facebook is and how much advertisement they could get out of it. Almost every teenager has Facebook.
Is anything on here appealing?
There is not too much that is appealing to me because im not in to skating. It would be appealing to people who do skating because that is all it was about. It's not appealing to anyone else though. Unless they really like Vans shoes. They don't seem to be doing much for thier customers so I dont find it appealing.
Is this the kind of thing you expected to see Vans do?
This is the type of thing I would expect Vans to do because they also know that a lot of kids use Facebook. It is so widely viewed from all different countries. It is great for promoting there company. It is all about skating as well and that is what Vans are going for.
Do you like any other brands on Facebook?
I do like other brands. I like the Topman page because I shop at TOPMAN a lot. Topman do not update there page a much as Converse or Vans. They also don't do as much as Vans and this is probably why they don't have as many likes as Converse or Vans. It is also not as established as Converse Or Vans.
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