What I think of the Adidas website overall.
I wen't on the website and ammedietly noticed some really cool pic's.
Also had some good qutes and phrases.
The store was selling some really good stuff and for reasonable prices.
The website layout was really clear.
It has lots of catagories so you can find things quickly.
They have good pic's of celebrity's and sports stars
I liked the look of the new trainers they are bringing out i feel they look very unique and original.
Take The Stage looks really good and they have some really good people involved in it. It well get Adidas even more popular as celebrities are wearing and showcasing there products which is always good. People won't see adidas as just a store they will see at as an entertainment industry aswell. People will be talking a lot about there events as they look really good. I think it's a great project.

I have always liked the look of Adidas trainers and i wear them myself. The colours they use always look really good together.
There trainers never look to crazy and mad.
What I think of the vans website overall.
I liked the background of the website i think it looks really cool.
It isn't as advanced as the Adidas website.
I like the layout and the neatness of it.
It's very easy to find what your looking for because of the catagories.
The news is good as it keeps you updated with what they are doing and what is to come.
They have good pictures and logo's.
They have catagories for all there different shoes, classics, girls etc...

They tell you what evnts are coming up. Like the 7th annual Slam Dunk Festival.
There is a catagory called 'TEAMS' thsis is really good as it tells you the names of some really good skaters and has awesome pic's. You can see who the pro's are and stuff like that.
They have some amazing videos of events.

So Basically overall i think both the websites are really good as the are doing knew things which make them stand out.
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