These last 2 weeks of blogging have been really interesting as I have been finding out more and more about some of the biggest brands. This is my official last blog. Today I have made plans to meet my friend John I will be meeting him in about 30 minutes. So I thought I would let you know what is happening today. I am going to the cinema with my friends John , Daisy and Sophie. I woke up this morning and I git up went over to my computer. I went onto Blogger , Facebook , Youtube and Skype. After spending a while on the computer I went downstairs to get something to eat. I made myself a bowl of fruit and fibre. I then watched the football highlights from the Euro's. I then got ready to go out. I am wearing Jean shorts , adidas canvas shoes , a white top , blue jumper and a hat.I will be at cinema for most of the night but will probably get home fairly late. I Have put a lot of time and effort into these blogs so I hope you enjoyed reading them. I am proud of how many page views this blog has had. So thank you.
Task 9 Final Blog!
How would you describe Converse as a brand?
What 3 words would you use to describe Converse?
The first word that comes to mind is Unique. This is because brands like Nike, Adidas and others all make shoes that look fairly similar. Nike canvas shoes and Adidas canvas shoes look the same except for the logo. Converse have always stood out from any other brand of trainer. The way that Converse are made is so much different and unique there is no brand or style of trainer that looks anything like Converse.
I would also use diversity because they are doing so many different thing to make the brand better. The Rubber Tracks , BLOCK PARTY all of these things show they have loads of different kinds of people that they want to shop and buy from Converse they want everyone to enjoy converse either for the shoes or the events.
The third word I would use has to be FUN. Converse are definitely a fun brand. They have always been associated with the younger generations. They are doing all these fun events that are getting them bigger. They are now in my head being associated with music ,festivals ,dancing. Converse give off the vibe of a fun lifestyle. Everything about Converse is fun.
Has your opinion of Converse changed since doing the blogs?
My opinion of Converse has changed immensely because I always thought of Converse as a brand that was all about rock bands and skating. I never knew that they did all these events with rappers and DJ's and all this. I never really saw the fun side of Converse I always saw the serious sport side of them. Basketball and skating is what I used to associate them with but now I associate them with Dancing , Festivles , Raves absolutely loads. I didn't know a lot about Converse but now that I have done these blogs and tasks I know so much more about this amazing brand. The main reason why my opinion changed was the BLOCK PARTY. This is because it looked so cool and fun. It was completely the opposite of what I was expecting. I was expecting lots of bands on a field somewhere not this cool , mysterious underground rave event. I was amazed by this event it looked so good and I will definitely be going when I can. The Rubber Tracks were also I nice surprise as I didn't expect to see them either. Doing these blogs is another thing because if I didn't do the blogs then I would never know what I do now.
Thank You For Reading My Blogs!
I hope you have enjoyed these blogs. I am going to miss making these blogs as they are fun and really get me thinking. I most likely will make a blog for something in the near future. I have learnt so much about Converse. Hopefully this will help converse with there next BIG IDEA!
Weekend Task Part 2
I was asked to look at the Converse and Vans Twitter pages.
What do you think?
I went on the Vans shoes page first and noticed that they wern't updating much at all. It also looked very plain,dull and not interesting. Considering they are a known brand I expected them to have a lot more followers than 21,093. It reminded me of how once again Vans are not taking advantage of the social networking. They could promote themselves so much. If they updated all the time, posted some cool things and just anything possible to get them bigger. This page really is awful and un-organised. Vans never seem to be on top of these kinds of things. It hasn't been updated in 2 years that is just shocking.
I Then went on the Vans Europe Twitter page. I could see an improvement straight away. It had more style, it wasn't as dull,it was updated far more. They had links,videos and more. Everything was so much more organised. I could see that it was being looked after more. I was definetly more impressed with this one than the other one, even though this one didn't have as many followers it will take-over soon.
I then went onto the Converse Twitter page. The first thing I noticed was the amount of followers they had. 67,961 is a huge amount compared to the other two. I then noticed that it is the most up to date one out of them all. They had loads of Tweets and followers. Converse are definitely making the most of the internet promotion. Converse have always been more on the ball when it comes to these things. They have awesome pictures on there page, they were updating with the latest things people would be interested in and more. So Converse have by far the best Twitter.
I would follow the converse page. I wouldn't follow the Vans pages simply because I am not interested in skateboarding and that is all Vans seems to be doing. Also the vans pages to not have anything that special. Vans shoes is never updated. Vans Europe just doesn't interest me.
I don't follow any brands on Twitter because I don't have a Twitter I might make one tonight though because it looks fairly interesting.
Monday 18th My Day
Sunday 17th My Day
I woke up at about 9. I then stayed in bed listening to music for about an hour. I listened to Eminem, Drake,Trey Songz,Rhianna and many more. I then went downstairs and made myself a bacon and egg sandwich. I sat down and went on my laptop. I was on Youtube, Facebook and Skype. I Messaged my mate John asking him if he was doing anything, he messaged back saying "nothing yet wanna do summin?" so I got ready and sarted making my way to his. He lives about a 10 minute walk away, so I grabbed my ipod and listened to some music on the way. When I arrived at his house I knocked for him and we went to Motspur park practically next door to where he lives. We stayed there for a while then got are friends Daisy and Sophie out. We stayed in Motspur for a while talking, listening to music and just having fun. We did this for about 3 hours then decided to go Wimbledon to meet more people. We got to Wimbledon and met everyone outside Centre Court. We then all went to a local park. We mate a friendly group of people are age that had also finished school. We talked and made knew friends. I left at 10:30. I was wearing... Skinny jeans,converse,white top and a leather jacket.
Weekend Task
What I think of the Converse Facebook page.
As soon as i went on to the Converse Facebook page I was shocked by how many people liked it. I never knew Converse were that big. I Started reading some of the posts being made. One post was about a Converse music festival in Torronto. It made me realise how big Converse really are. They are doing festivals and getting known all over the world. When I used to tour and sing on stage I used to wear Converse. Converse are such a well known brand. I was also surprised at how many of my friends like Converse. I think the page is really good. There are loads of awesome pictures of Converse trainers. There are lots of Videos and events on this page. It is clear to me that this page is updated all the time with the latest News and updates. There are so many photo's on this page and they are all really good. 31 Million people from all over the world like Converse. This is an extremely large amount of people. I Thought there would be maybe 1 million. Converse are clearly doing the right thing because if 126 of my friends on Facebook like it then they are clearly hitting there target audience. People would unlike the page if it wasn't for the fact it is always being updated with the latest about Converse.
I did like this page shortly after having a look at it. So yes i would like it. The reason I liked it , is because there is so much going on. Videos,Pictures,Events,Updates and more. I find this page rather interesting.I like Converse shoes but i have never searched or heard of this page. I also liked the page because over the last 2 weeks of blogging I have become more interested in Converse.
Is anything on here appealing?
Almost everything on this page is appealing. Such as the videos.They have such a wide variety of cool videos and they have the Rubber Tracks on this page. So the videos are appealing. Also the photo's. They have loads of awesome photo's that catch the eye.The events also look really fun and good. I would love to go to one of Converses events as they look so well planned and something i would enjoy. They do events in loads of different places. So it's not just where i live.
Is this the kind of thing you expected to see Converse do?
This is the kind of thing I would expect Converse to do because Converse have always given me the impression that they care a lot about there customers. Also Facebook is the biggest social networking site. Millions of kids use it so it is a great place to have a page as loads of kids will see it and read about Converse so it's definitely something i would expect Converse to do. Converse are always updating because they know that a lot of people are reading what they are saying.
What I think of the Vans Facebook page.

Would you like this page?
I wouldn't like this page because i'm not to fussed about Vans. Also there page does give me any reason to like it. They are not doing anything that interests me as I don't care too much for skating and that is all they seem to be doing. They are not doing enough for there customers. Vans need to up there game more. Converse are making the most of Facebook where as I feel Vans don't realise how popular Facebook is and how much advertisement they could get out of it. Almost every teenager has Facebook.
Is anything on here appealing?
There is not too much that is appealing to me because im not in to skating. It would be appealing to people who do skating because that is all it was about. It's not appealing to anyone else though. Unless they really like Vans shoes. They don't seem to be doing much for thier customers so I dont find it appealing.
Is this the kind of thing you expected to see Vans do?
This is the type of thing I would expect Vans to do because they also know that a lot of kids use Facebook. It is so widely viewed from all different countries. It is great for promoting there company. It is all about skating as well and that is what Vans are going for.
Do you like any other brands on Facebook?
I do like other brands. I like the Topman page because I shop at TOPMAN a lot. Topman do not update there page a much as Converse or Vans. They also don't do as much as Vans and this is probably why they don't have as many likes as Converse or Vans. It is also not as established as Converse Or Vans.
Task 7
What do you think of these videos?
I found these videos really interesting as they are all about skateboarding and i find skateboarding really cool.
It was also good to see the skaters advertising converse trainers by wearing them and also the skaters were signing autographs at the knew vans store.
I was shocked at how many videos they had. All the videos were really well edited and in HD!
I liked the music that they used in the videos as well.
They had so many different types of places that they were filming and people were skating in. They were skateboarding in pools, shopping centres,vans skate parks and more.
I liked the competitions they were doing and how they had short minute adverts for them on there Youtube.
One of my favourite videos was the Pool Party and Visualizing the Line. This is because it shows how much work and thinking goes into skateboarding. It also shows how seriously skateboarding is taken. You get to see some cool tricks and grinds as well.
I think these videos are made really well you can tell a lot of hard work goes into it. They try and make every video as good as they possibly can. I couldn't believe they had 650 Videos.
I feel this videos in general were all the same. I felt that Vans were trying to stress the point that they are the best shoe company for skating and that they are so highly linked with skateboarding. I feel so could of done some other videos that mixed it up a bit. Although I didn't watch all 650 videos i did get the idea after watching about 15 videos that it was all about skating. Which is good but not all of there customers are in to skateboarding. I have loads of friends that wear Vans but couldn't care less about skateboarding itself so i feel they need to try another angle for there other customers. People also wan't to see the vans shoes themselves. You don't get to see the shoes that often in the videos. If you were watching the videos so that you could copy what your favourite skater was wearing, you wouldn't be able to because they don't show you the shoes for more than about 1.5 seconds. They should do videos where they talk to you about the shoes.
My Favourite Video
What Do They Tell You About Vans?
They tell me that Vans work very hard to put together these events. They show me that they spend a lot of money. They show me that Vans are definitely trying to be the number one skating brand out there as every video I watched had skating in it. I feel that Vans have done really well to get there brand so widely known. They had videos in so many different countries including China and Australia. Vans used to be a small brand that only a few of my mates shopped at, but now everyone knows about Vans and there trainers so i feel Vans have done very well. I can see that Vans are trying to promote themselves as mush as they can. On one of the videos i watched there was Vans logo and stickers all around the skate park. It was impossible not to notice. I can tell that Vans only have one target audience, and that is obviously skateboarders. They need to try and attract a wider audience or people are going to loose interests. They only seem to be doing skateboarding events i feel they should push for more.
Are they what you expected vans to do?
These videos are completely what I would expect Vans to do. Anything to do with Vans you ammidietly think of skateboarding. I remember when i used to play skateboarding games Vans was mentioned a lot so yes these videos ae what i would expect. The music was also what i would expect as it was rough, edgy band music which is always common with skating. I expected them to maybe have a wider range of videos as they were all very similar.
How does this compare to the converse videos?
These videos don't compare to the Converse videos as I feel Converse had much more diverse videos. They were targeting a much bigger audience. The converse channel seems to be doing better than the Vans channel as Converse get more Views. I feel that converse are giving more information about the company and how the company is improving, what they are planning on doing etc.. I felt with the Vans website unless you liked skateboarding, there wasn't a lot there for you. Converse had music and almost everyone in the world likes music. So this would get them more views. Converse have the Rubber Tracks, the skateboarding, the music events and Vans only have the skateboarding. Also the BLOCK PARTY is an amazing idea that converse are doing where as Vans are just doing the same stuff.
Vans Website
What do you think of the latest video on the website?
I found the video extremely boring and didn't see what it had to do with Vans. I am not a fan of art. I didn't see the point in it. I felt it was completely different to the other videos. I couldn't work out what they were trying to achieve with these video or who they were targeting. I found the music boring as well it wasn't the type of music Vans usually use in their videos. I felt this was a bad video to make considering the type of audience Vans are trying to attract. I also felt it was very random and it almost didn't belong on the Vans website. It gave no information about the company or their shoes. I just didn't get it.
What does it tell you about Vans?
It tells me that Vans are trying something knew. Even though im not to sure what that is. I feel that they are trying to link Vans and skateboarding to Art and freedom. Showing that there are no limits on what you can do.
Is it what you expected Vans to do?
No this is not what I expected Vans to do as they have always linked themselves with skateboarding. I feel they are trying something knew and it could be a great success but could also fail. I expected something that was all about skateboarding not Art.
Saturday 16th My Day
I woke up at my usual time of 1 because i had no exams and no revision. I made myself some toast and then when back to bed and watched Gladiator. I then had some lunch and watched tv whilst on my laptop. I was on Facebook, Youtube and Skype. I then met up with some
Saturday was another great day as I had another house party to look forward to. This party wasn't going to be as crazy as last night's because it was a different group of people who were more relaxed. We chilled with a group of about 10 people at the park for about an hour they were drinking but i wasn't really in the mood.. I was still in a good mood though. We made are way to the party and got there for about 6. We arrived and were the first one's there so we made ourselves at home, put some music and had some fun. As the night progressed more people arrived. There was more of a party atmosphere as there were more people dancing,talking etc... there was no-one to drunk or anything so it was good as no-one was uncontrollable. I don''t really dance but i don't mind dancing when im with a group of mates because it's usually very funny. I always have a good time when im out with mates because we always have jokes. I left the party at 11 because i got home late on Friday.
I arrived home and similar thing to yesterday i went straight to bed. This time because i had a headache.
Friday 15th June My Day
Sorry I am a bit late with my blogs but its because things have been really hectic. I finished my exams on Friday and had a party that night. It was a good day and i was in a great mood. I woke up at 8:30 and made my way to school for my final exam. I arrived at school and had a short chat with my mates. The exam was 75 minutes long. It was a history exam. After 75 minutes i came out with a smile on my face because i knew that was it. I went home and went to sleep for about 2 hours. I then played some Playstation 3 and went on the computer for about 2 hours. I then got ready for my mates party in Putney. I decided to wear my blue chinos with a grey Ralph Lauren polo and a red hoodie. I met up with some mates before the party. We then waited outside a shop for about 10 minutes asking people to go in and get us alchahol. We are all 16 so it's either this or fake ID. Finally someone went in for us. We then made are way to the party. We arrived and as soon as we stepped in there was a good friendly vibe.
There was good music playing. Mainly dub-step with a little bit of drum and bass. I was drinking slowly throughout the night because I had another party the next day. I new everyone there apart from about 10 people, who I got to know anyway. I left the party at about 11. Me and my mate Marco got on the bus together as we live very close. It was a very fun bus journey as we were both drunk and having a laugh. There were some drugs at this party, mainly cannabis but i stay away from drugs. We got off the bus and got some chips from the local kebab shop. We often go in here and the people know us , so we always have a laugh with them. I then said goodbye to Marco and walked home. When i walk home i always try and sober up as much as i can and often talk to myself. I arrived home and went straight upstairs and fell asleep.
Thank you for reading.
Task 6
Today converse set me another task. I had a look at the BLOCK PARTY and it looked amazing. The artists were great, the music was great and the atmosphere itself looked really good. I can see me and my mates going there. I was really suprsised to see converse doing this as i felt it was completly different from anything i had ever seen before. Converse are really stepping it up. They no longer want to be known as a design of trainer but as an event aswell. I know that BLOCK PARTY will get massive simply because of the artists and the unique theme of the whole underground thing. The main things that appealed to me were the music. I like and listen to rap a lot Clement Marfo went to my school and i have listened to most of his songs and really enjoy them. Also the rap battles I am currently subscribed to DONT FLOP. DONT FLOP are one of the main youtube channels that do rap battles there is a video below. I love seeing to MC's going head to head i know that the rap battles would get everyone in a good mood because they are so funny and they get everyone involved. I have never heard of this event before and i feel that i should of because this is something that interests me. I feel that any money spent on advertisement would be money well spent as people need to know about this. This is not something i would expect Converse to do as i would expect a sort of field event with bands. I say this because Converse has always been highly associated with bands and not really rappers so this is good because it gives Converse a new image. Also i noticed that the artists were wearing and advertising converse. This is good because people are always copying the style of well-known people.
The Converse Channel
When i went onto the Converse youtube channel i was suprised to see so many subscribers. I started watching some videos. I really liked the Rubber Tracks. I found them really entertaining when i started this task i said to myself "watch about 4 vids then write about it". I actually ended up watching about 10 vids. I was surprised that i had never heard of this channel or these Rubber Tracks as they were really good. I liked the styles of music that were shown. I didn't expect to see the Rubber Tracks as it isn't something i would of thought converse would do. The skateboarding videos were what i would expect Converse to do as Converse are highly associated with skateboarding. I found the skateboarding videos really entertaining as they are so good at what they do. Some of the tricks they do i find so good. The skateboarding gets Converse's name out there as people go to see it and think that if the skateboarders are using Converse then im going to use Converse.
So overall i think converse is doing great. These events and videos look really good but i feel converse need to advertise them more.
Video will be up very soon.
Day 7
Today was another good day because i had no exams. I woke up and went on my ps3 for about an hour playing some Call Of Duty. I then went downstairs to get something to eat. I then came back upstairs and went on my computer i went onto Facebook to try and organise something with my mates to do later. I organised to meet a few friends near where i live. I then went onto youtube to find some songs to download. I then decided to start getting ready to meet my mates. I got ready and wore some jeans and a white Nike top. I met them and we went back to Danny's house. We played some video games and watched the football. We then went to wimbledon to meet up with some more friends. We went around wimbledon meeting knew people and causing havoc. I got home at 11 and realised i needed to do my blog aand task 6. So i will be doing that right after this.Thank you for reading.
Task 5
Sports Stars That Wear Converse :
Louis Williams
LeBron James
Le Bron James:
The reason I Chose LeBron is because he is always advertising converse. Also converse is associated a lot with basketball and he is a very big and well known basketballer. Also because he's american basketball is more of an American thing. Also converse are very big in America.Skateboarding And basketball is taken more seriously in America. He was the first person that came up when i searched for this topic. Showing he is well associated with converse.
Artists And Bands That Wear Converse
Lil Wayne
Justin Bieber
Wiz Kalifa
Good Charlotte
Lost Prophets
When you think of converse you think of people like Lil Wayne because they are the type of person that fits the converse style. He is crazy with his style wears clothes that stand out and has an easy and chilled way of living. You tend to think of R'n'B and rappers when you think of artists that wear converse. Lil Wayne has performed concerts in converses. Also Ne-Yo aswell because he is an R'n'B artist and he is laid back aswell and likes to mix up his style.
Artists And Sports Stars That Would Never Wear Converse :
I Don't think Lady Gaga would wear any of the trainers as they wouldn't suit her image. They are to normal for her.I feel that rugby players would not wear converse as it simply wouldn't suit them at all. I Dont feel someone like Tom Jones would wear converse either because they are too out of his age group. They are trainers made for younger people.
Vans :
Artists And Bands That Wear Converse:
Chris Bron
Lil Wayne
Justin Bieber
Chris Brown is always wearing Vans. They suit his image because he is young and dresses like a skater. He is always going for the young vibe and Vans are definitely a trainer for young people. When you think of the types of artists that wear Vans you think of people like Chris Brown,Rhianna,Drake, Lil Wayne etc...
Sports Stars That Wear Vans:
I don't know a lot about the type of people who wear Van's as it's mainly skaters and i don't follow skating. The reason i say skating is because that it is the sport that Vans are mainly associated with. They have good grip they have cool patterns and design.
Artists That Would Not Wear Van's:
Susan Boyle
50 cent
You would never see someone like 50 cent wearing a pair of Vans because they dont suit him. He is more of a Nike kinda guy because they give off more of a bad vibe. Vans give off a friendly vibe. 50 Cent's image is this American gangster and no American gangster is wearing Vans.
Sports Star's That Would Not Wear Vans:
Johnny Wilkinson's
Jonny Wilkinson wouldn't wear Vans because he is to big and hasn't got the image to pull off a pair of Vans. They are known as skater shoes so he wouldn't wear them. Vans go well with certain clothes e.g skinny jeans and i can't see Jonny wearing a pair of skinny jeans. Also Vans were made to big young and hip there target audience is kids. So a rugby player who is getting on wouldn't suit these trainers.
Artists That Wear Adidas:
Snoop Dogg
Wretch 32
Chris Brown
Wretch 32 is in the Adidas commercial wearing loads of Adidas clothes. He is working with them on the Take to Stage project so this is why i said him. Snoop Dogg has always worn Adidas and promoted them. He has done competitions and give away's and is often seen in Adidas clothing.
David Beckham
Steven Gerrard
Most footballers
I chose David Beckham as he is a very well known footballer and he wears Adidas clothing. He is a footballer and i feel Adidas is one of the main sports makes. I would say almost everyone who does sport wears or has worn Adidas. They are such a common brand.He is a very keen sportsman who pushed himself as far as he could go and that is what Adidas is about.
Artists That Would Not Wear Adidas:
Celine Dion
I picked Celine Dion because Adidas would not suit her image. She has way to much class to be wearing a pair of Adidas. She just isn't someone you think of when you think about Adidas trainers.
Sports Stars That Would Not Wear Adidas
I chose Klitschko because Adidas has never had that much to do with boxing. There are so many other brands that specialise in boxing where as Adidas doesn't. I feel he doesn't really suit the Adidas image because Adidas is more to do with football and fassion. Boxing is a completly different type of sport.
Bands And Musicians That Wear Nike:
50 Cent
Kanye West
Jay Z
Justin Bieber
I Picked 50 cent because Nike are a very known and established shoe and i feel they fit into the category for bad and reckless. They are such out there shoes because they come in so many different colours and they stand out. So i feel they go well with the 'i got something to express' attitude. They have always been in the rap scene and have given themselves this name and this is why i chose 50 cent because in his songs he's always explaining things , getting his views across and talking about growing up as a gangster.
Sports Stars That Would Wear Nike:
Roger Federa
Cristiano Ronaldo
I chose cristiano because he is an amazing footballer and he promotes and has done advertisements for Nike. He is the image that Nike want an amazing athlete with passion. He is always trying to improve the way he plays. When people think of Nike they think of sport straight away not fassion. He is a great sportsman and a good figure head for Nike.
Bnads And Musicians That Wouldn't Wear Nike:
Chris Brown
Christina Agulera
Chris Brown wouldn't wear nike because it's not the image that he is going for. He is going for the young,party lifestyle attitude. Nikes don't give off this vibe they give off a more serious vibe. Chris Brown likes to be seen as a laid back easy going guy. He likes canvas shoes a Nike specialise in more high-top shoes.He want's to look like he doesn't try to hard to look good. With Nikes they are so out there it looks like your trying to be out there.
Sports Stars That Wouldn't Wear Nike:
David Haye
David Haye wouldn't wear Nikes because they don't do much and are not that involved with with boxing they are more concentrated on running,football and rugby.
Thank you for reading my blog! I Tried to keep it short seeing as it is a blog but i just had so much to say.
My Day 6
Today has been a good day. I had to be up early to do a maths exam. This exam went very well. I got home and watched television for about an hour. I then got a text from my cousin James. He asked me if he could come round with Lianna his daughter. I havn't seen them both in a while. We had a catch up and talked about things like the football, life and more. I also got offered a youtube partnership and could start earning on youtube. This will be great as youtube and gaming is just a hobby for me so any money i make off it will be great. There is bad news though. My Mums computer crashed today and is getting fixed so she is having to use mine. I'm not sure how long it will take but it means i can't be on the computer as much as i used to. I am in a good mood though because not only did i get to see my cousin but i have my last exam on friday and then i can start partying and enjoying summer. At about 5 i left my house to go to the park with my cousin we played some football and Lianna loved the swings and slides. I'm sorry for yesterdays blog but i was ill. I woke up feeling better and by about 9am i was fine. I got home from the park at half seven and had some dinner. Since finishing my dinner at 8 i have been in my room listen to music. A song i like at the moment is Trey Songz - Heart Attack. I enjoy this song because the lyrics are good and i love the beat. Today i have visited all my normal websites. Facebook,Youtube,Skype And My Blogger.
Task 4
What I think of the Adidas website overall.
I wen't on the website and ammedietly noticed some really cool pic's.
Also had some good qutes and phrases.
The store was selling some really good stuff and for reasonable prices.
The website layout was really clear.
It has lots of catagories so you can find things quickly.
They have good pic's of celebrity's and sports stars
I liked the look of the new trainers they are bringing out i feel they look very unique and original.
Take The Stage looks really good and they have some really good people involved in it. It well get Adidas even more popular as celebrities are wearing and showcasing there products which is always good. People won't see adidas as just a store they will see at as an entertainment industry aswell. People will be talking a lot about there events as they look really good. I think it's a great project.

I have always liked the look of Adidas trainers and i wear them myself. The colours they use always look really good together.
There trainers never look to crazy and mad.
What I think of the vans website overall.
I liked the background of the website i think it looks really cool.
It isn't as advanced as the Adidas website.
I like the layout and the neatness of it.
It's very easy to find what your looking for because of the catagories.
The news is good as it keeps you updated with what they are doing and what is to come.
They have good pictures and logo's.
They have catagories for all there different shoes, classics, girls etc...

They tell you what evnts are coming up. Like the 7th annual Slam Dunk Festival.
There is a catagory called 'TEAMS' thsis is really good as it tells you the names of some really good skaters and has awesome pic's. You can see who the pro's are and stuff like that.
They have some amazing videos of events.

So Basically overall i think both the websites are really good as the are doing knew things which make them stand out.
My day 5
Today I Havn't really got a lot to say because i got up at 11 and went straight to an exam. I got back from the exam and was feeling very unwell so i spent the whole day on the sofa watching films like Lord Of The Rings. My mum had to bring my laptop to me to write this blog haha. So there are some benfts really sorry for this boring blog.
Task 4
I have had a look at the website and i like how organised everything is. I like how it has the catogories for everything so you can get to where you want straight away. I also like how much converse are doing. It isn't just shoes there's music,sport and more. I could ammedietly see that this website was aiming at the kids, the way it publishes everything kids are into. I found the videos cool and entertaining especially the 'Fix To Ride - London'. I Felt the moving pictures and all of that was fairly annoying as i had to click a few times to find the one i wanted. But overall i thought it was very good.
I can definetly see a lot of girls wearing the Chuck Taylor Bleach Polka Dots. I also like the Star Player EV Suede. I like the knew styles that converse are bringing. I also like thee Converse gigs i found that very interesting.
Design Your Own Show :
Things I liked :
Very easy to use.
Very well laid out.
Very straight forward.
Not to much going on just a few nice patterns.
You can put your own tag on it.
It is really good quality.
You can clearly see what it will look like.
You can make them simple and you can make them crazy.
The pre-made prints are really nice.
Things i Would Add :
More font types possibly a graffitti styled font.
More pre-made designs.
I feel it is a great idea and will be very popular.
I designed my own pair. I didn't go for anything to crazy as i normally wear shoes that are not to out there. I don't like having loads of colours on my trainers. So i chose this because i think that yellow and red go well together.

Overall I think it is a great website.
My Day 4
Today Was A Good Day. I woke up at 9:30 because i had a maths exam at 13:00. From 9:45-12:30 I revised so there isn't much to say. I arrived at school at 12:50 and met up with some mates in the playground. We were taalking about the exam and running over some questions. We were all fairly nervous. We lined up and went into the exam in groups. After the exam i waited for my friends because i was one of the first one's out. We all got bus home and were talking about the exam on the way home. I feel it went ok.
I then went to McDonalds with some mates today get something to eat as it was a long exam. We sat down ate and had a laugh for about an hour. We then all went home. I got home and started revising for my history exam tomorrow. I then had a short break. I got on my bed and closed my eyes and listened to some music because it basically shuts the rest of the world out. You forget about exams and all of that. I then got back to my revision. I then went downstairs a to eat dinner and watched the highlights of the England vs France game. I Then came back upstairs to do some more revision. Then when downstairs and watched tv for the rest of the night. I wasn't in the best of moods as i felt ill, the weather was dull and gloomy and i had a maths test.Sorry for such a boring and plain blog but today was very boring. Hopefully something good happens tomorrow!
Websites I use daily
Youtube :
Facebook :
Sktpe :
My Day 3
Today was a very much laid back day. I woke up had some breakfast watched some television and then lounged around the house until about 2:30. I started getting ready to go out and check out JD Sports to complete my task 2. Whilst I was in JD I bought a new pair of running trainers as im going to starting doing a lot more sport and start getting fitter. They were a nice pair of Adidas trainers.
When looking around the shops i also bought a new top. After looking around the shops i went to McDonalds to get something to eat. I then left and went home for the night. Since I got home i have been on Faccebook,Skype,Youtube and my blog to see how its going. I have been watching the football. I have also been revising for my maths gcse which is tomorrow and i will let you know how it goes. Sunday are never busy so you could say this was a busy sunday. p.s i didn't listen to much music only about 5 minutes of the radio.
Task 2 Shoe Stores
As I stepped into the shop there was some good music playing which ammedietly put me in a positive attitude. The shoes were layed out so that it was easy to spot the brand or style of trainers you were looking for. I was only in the store for about 2 minutes and someone came and asked me if i needed help or assistance, I said "no im just looking".The were so many different types of trainers and they were all placed neatly in the store. JD is very easy to move around in as its spacious where as other stores like Sports Direct have very little space. When you walk in to JD you get this really chilled out vibe just like your not in a store but at your friends house and you are checking out all his trainers. There is music playing there are comfortable seats If I could i would go there just to chill with mates.
The posters on the wall were appealing to me as there were kids my age showcasing trainers and also kids wearing the trainers on a BMX at the skatepark. I like the colours that are used in JD as they are happy colours they are not plain,dull colours. I found the colourful Nikes appealing as they are really mad yet at the same time they look really good. The Nikes stood out the most as it was clear to me that Nike spent a lot of money on advertisement as Nike advertisement was all over the shops and Nike was the main displayed brand.
My Day 2 9th June
Today was a good day, however i had to be up at 8 because my mum was taking my sister to Lancaster university. I Don't tend to miss my sister even though we have a good relationship. I went downstairs put the kettle on and turned on the radio (Kiss 100). I then made some bacon. I sat on the sofa and put on some television. There was nothing on so i resorted to watching Jeremy Kyle. After watching tv for about an hour i went upstairs got on my computer and went on Facebook to make plans for the day. I Messaged my friend Joe saying "You want to go out today" he said "yes but later mate i have to revise". So i decided to play some Playstation 3. After 3 hours of Skyping,Facebook messaging and watching videos on Youtube. I decided to get on with some revision. After 30 minutes of maths revision i got bored and start adding to my blog. As you would of noticed i have made a lot of changes to my blog. I have tried to give it a "young" vibe by adding the music and party features. I finished adding to my blog by half past 2. I then carried on with my Maths revision for another half an hour. I then began to download some music for my phone. I downloaded Songs by Drake,Chris Brown,Ne-yo, Enter Shikari,You Me At Six,Bob Marley and many more.
It got to four o'clock and i was hungry so i went to get some food. I was to lazy to cook so i made a pot noodle. I then called Joe and asked him if he could come out,he said "yes but i need to get ready". I jumped in the shower and got ready. I knew we wern't going to go anywhere special so i decided to wear jeans,hoodie and my Nike trainers. My mum called me to ask if everything was ok i told her i was fine and was going out. I left my house at five o'clock to go and meet Joe. He only lives around the corner. I Met him at roughly quarter past five. We went to the park and talked. We talked about what was happening in the summer holidays, girls,parties,music and more. We had some music playing quietly from my phone it was on shuffle (when it selects random songs in a random order on your phone).
We then went to the kebab shop to get chips. We then met up with are mate Zac. He started talking about this mad party he was at and how he got with loads of girls and made loads of friends (he loves to boast). He is a little bit like Jay from inbetweeners.
It got to about seven and we got news of a party in Raynes Park. On are way to the party we met up with a lot of people that were going to this party. The girls were all in the leggins and mini skirts and the boys were all in there Ralph Lauren polo's. At this party there were loads of different people. Such as skaters,Emo's and so on. At this party it was mainly Dubstep being played. There was under-age drinking but that's common for a party when your in your teens. My mum text me at about 8 saying that she was home. I told her i was at a party and she said "home by nine you have to do your blog". I managed to convince her that ten was a more reasonable time for me to come home as i was slightly drunk and needed to sober up. There are a lot of parties as i am in year eleven and everyone is finishing school and wanting to celebrate (get drunk). I said goodbye to everyone and left at around ten as the party wasn't to far from where i lived (one bus). On the way home i was on the bus and decided to listen to some music, I got my phone out to play some music and had three missed calls from my mum, this isn't good. I called her and she was asking where i was, i told her i was on the bus home and would be back soon. I got home made myself a glass of water and took some annadin as i had a headache. I then came into my room and went straight onto my bed. I then remembered the blog. I Started writing the blog and am now finishing it. Suprisingly I am not that tired. I will make my video log now so check back to see that. I am visiting some shoe stores tomorrow and will write about that to complete task 2. Thanks for reading.
My Day Ep.1
Task 1 Trainers Video
Looks best in fullscreen.
My Day
Today was a good day. I Woke up went downstairs got something to eat then came back upstairs and went back to bed and listened to music for about half an hour. I went from mainsream music like Drake,Rhianna to dubstep/rave music. I left my house about 1 o'clock to go and meet my mate Luke. We went to wimbledon and chilled there for a while having a laugh with some mates. We then went to David Loyd at about 4 to play some pool. This was fun as i enjoy playing pool. I was in a good mood because i am coming to the end of my gcse's and school.In David Lyod that have a juke box which was playing all the latest tunes like 50cent , Rhianna And more. I was wearing a jumper , a pair of chinos , a snap-back hat and some addidas canvase shoes. I visited a few websites such as Facebook to check up on friends and see what's going on. Youtube to listen to music check up on my channel And Skype to talk and video call friends / family. I Didn't play or watch any sports as i didn't have the time.
Videos Up Soon!
My videos are taking a while to upload but will be up soon...
Trainers 8th June Converse Blog
Trainers 8th June Converse Blog
What pairs of trainers do you own?
I own a pair of Nike airforces
A pair of Adidas canvas shoes
A pair of plain black converse
And a pair of Vans
Where did you buy them and why-how did you find out about them?
I bought them all from different shops. I got my Nikes from Sports World, My Adidas canvase shoes from JD Sports, My converse from Office and my Vans from Vans. I went into the town centers and had a look around to see what i liked and also heard about what shoes were in fassion through friends.
Which do you wear and when do you wear them?
I wear all of them for seperate occasions.I will wear my canvas Adidas shoes to a party as they are stylish and i wouldn't want them getting muddy. I wear my Nikes when i play football or any other sports. I wear my Converse when i am going out somewhere close nothing special is happening as they are comfy. I wear my Vans when im going out with the family and when im wearing smart clothes as they go with anthing.
What do you like about them-talk about style,brand,colour,shape etc...
They are all unique individual styles. I like them as they are all very stylish,look good and are comfortable. I Like them because they all have different advantage for example my converse can survive any type of weather and my canvas shoes can't , however my canvas shoes look better inside,clean and when it's sunny, and they pretty much go with everything.
What do your trainers mean to you?
I love my trainers as they show i am a laid back guy, i'm not trying to hard to look good.not trying to be out there. For me trainers are the most important part of my style and what i wear. A good pair of trainers make you stand out.
What do the trainers you wear say about you
Like i said they show im not trying to hard to look amazing im just laid back , easy going. They also show that i keep up with what is and isn't in fassion. I Will never be seen wearing a bad pair of trainers.