About Me

London, London, United Kingdom
I am helpping converse with a project. I will be blogging from the 7th June - 19th June 2012



Task 9 Final Blog!

How would you describe Converse as a brand?

I would say that Converse are a brand that tries there hardest for there customers. They do so many events that look and sound amazing. Converse are trying to be the ultimate brand. They don't just want to be known for there shoes. They want to be seen as more. They want to be seen as an events company, they want everyone to be talking about there evens. I have been blogging and finding out loads about Converse and other shoe brands. Every task and bit of research I do about Converse I discover more about this great brand. I was asked to look at the Converse Facebook page. I was shocked at how many videos and photos they had. I was shocked at how many events they were doing. I was most shocked when I saw that 160+ of my friends had liked the converse page. Whenever I am comparing other brands to Converse , Converse always stands out as the best. Converse always have the most views , followers , posts , tweets , events , videos and more. The 'Rubber Tracks' is a great idea which will get big very soon. Converse are a brand with great ideas. They are a brand that is constantly thinking about what more they can do, how they can expand the company. Converse are a brand with a great team , great staff . There Facebook and Twitter are always being updated. Converse are a brand that are always offering something new to there customers. Converse are a brand that is going to be around for a very long time.Converse are a brand that genuinely care about there customers, they want there customers to be proud of what they buy and wear. Converse don't want to be seen as anything other the excellent and they are working very hard to get that status. Converse have done so many things that have worked. They have separated themselves from all other shoe brands. They are using so many different ways to get themselves bigger. I myself no longer see Converse as an emo, skater type of shoe I see them as so many different styles and genres such as sports shoes, party shoes, stylish shoes, rebellious shoes , smart shoes. When I used to think of Converse I thought of emo, rock bands and skating but now I do not. Converse are a brand that are always thinking , always one step ahead. They are also so on the ball never missing a window of opportunity. They have done so well to know and find out what kids/teenagers are into and to know what we want to see and what we want to do. Everyone my age likes to party and go a bit wild, Converse know this and this is how they separate themselves from other brands. They get there first , they organise events where we can go a bit wild. The BLOCK PARTY event looks so fun and interesting. By doing these tasks and blogs I have learnt so much about Converse. I had never been on the Converse website before and yet it was so good. Making your own trainers was so fun and easy to use. It wasn't to complicated. I also learnt how to blog which is really good. Converse are such a unique and original brand always coming up with good, original ideas.

What 3 words would you use to describe Converse?

The first word that comes to mind is Unique. This is because brands like Nike, Adidas and others all make shoes that look fairly similar. Nike canvas shoes and Adidas canvas shoes look the same except for the logo. Converse have always stood out from any other brand of trainer. The way that Converse are made is so much different and unique there is no brand or style of trainer that looks anything like Converse.

I would also use diversity because they are doing so many different thing to make the brand better. The Rubber Tracks , BLOCK PARTY all of these things show they have loads of different kinds of people that they want to shop and buy from Converse they want everyone to enjoy converse either for the shoes or the events.

The third word I would use has to be FUN. Converse are definitely a fun brand. They have always been associated with the younger generations. They are doing all these fun events that are getting them bigger. They are now in my head being associated with music ,festivals ,dancing. Converse give off the vibe of a fun lifestyle. Everything about Converse is fun.
Has your opinion of Converse changed since doing the blogs?

My opinion of Converse has changed immensely because I always thought of Converse as a brand that was all about rock bands and skating. I never knew that they did all these events with rappers and DJ's and all this. I never really saw the fun side of Converse I always saw the serious sport side of them. Basketball and skating is what I used to associate them with but now I associate them with Dancing , Festivles , Raves absolutely loads. I didn't know a lot about Converse but now that I have done these blogs and tasks I know so much more about this amazing brand.  The main reason why my opinion changed was the BLOCK PARTY. This is because it looked so cool and fun. It was completely the opposite of what I was expecting. I was expecting lots of bands on a field somewhere not this cool , mysterious underground rave event. I was amazed by this event it looked so good and I will definitely be going when I can. The Rubber Tracks were also I nice surprise as I didn't expect to see them either. Doing these blogs is another thing because if I didn't do the blogs then I would never know what I do now.

Thank You For Reading My Blogs!

I hope you have enjoyed these blogs. I am going to miss making these blogs as they are fun and really get me thinking. I most likely will make a blog for something in the near future. I have learnt so much about Converse. Hopefully this will help converse with there next BIG IDEA!

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